Roycee Hasuko, MSW, Esq.
Principal Legal Ops Consultant
Roycee brings more than 20 years of Legal Ops experience in the public and private sectors to every engagement. Her expertise spans direct-service, operations, sales, product development, and consultative functions. Her success in Legal Operations can be attributed to her unique ability to democratize the interests of stakeholders at all levels and integrate diverse needs into enterprise-wide solutions.
A highly collaborative Legal Operations expert and technology strategist, Roycee has guided start-ups and Fortune 50s across the gap between innovation and practical implementation. Roycee’s breadth and depth of expertise, as well as strong commitment to client engagement, produces nuanced and actionable insights—leveraging a 360-degree view of complex data, systems, patterns, and human factors to help company leaders create better relationships between in-house legal teams, outside counsel, and the cross-functional business partners they rely on.
Notable Experience
Managing, advising on, or contributing to 50+ business and process transformations—helping drive millions in measurable cost reduction and billions in legal spend.
Leading 13 corporate transformations, 10 consulting engagements, and 25+ client-side vendor systems, including improving the legal technology stack (e.g., ELM, CLM, matter management), advancing business continuity, process efficiency, and program structures.
Convening and leading ad hoc 2- to 70-member matrixed teams, with membership rosters including attorneys, vendors, consultants, technical staff, and business operations professionals.
Influencing the development and management of legal budgets exceeding $2B.
More than 50+ discussion panels, trainings, and webinars career-wide, including:
Presenter, “Measuring Legal Department Success-Creating a Legal Performance Management Program”, Association of Corporate Counsel, September 2023
Presenter, “Spend Management: The Fulcrum of the Legal Department-Law Firm Relationship”, ALM Pacesetter Research, August 2023
Podcast Guest, Ep. 11, “Roycee Hasuko, Salesforce,” Legal Ops Rising Podcast, DesignBuildLegal.com, presented by ACC Legal Ops and LawVu, October 2019
Presenter, “Mindfulness in …” P3 Practice Innovation Conference, Women Leadership Panel, presented by Legal Marketing Association (LMA), June 2019
Presenter, “Driving Change & Progress In a Corporate Legal Department,” Legal Operations Forum, presented by Consero Group, LLC, March 2018
Presenter, “Legal and Procurement: Like Oil and Water,” (Partnership with corporate sourcing teams on purchasing) LegalTech West Coast 2016! Presented June 2016
Presenter, Serengeti Summit “International Rollout…” (International electronic billing system deployment) presented by Thomson Reuters, October 2015
Publications, blogs, and YouTube videos:
Legal Value Network Member Spotlight: https://www.legalvaluenetwork.com/post/legal-value-network-member-spotlight-roycee-hasuko
Public-facing Blog Post: https://www.simplelegal.com/blog/considerations-when-choosing-between-e-billing-and-contract-lifecycle-management
Public-facing Blog Post: https://www.simplelegal.com/blog/how-to-approach-legal-department-budgeting-in-2021
Published Commentary: https://www.law.com/legaltechnews/2021/01/08/legal-ops-may-still-struggle-for-a-seat-at-the-table-in-2021/?slreturn=20220827201005
Public-facing Blog: https://www.simplelegal.com/blog/how-to-make-the-most-of-virtual-legal-events (strategery on legal events)
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAqMpx2qDBo (law firm panels)
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbUxKWBHhc (best discovery post start in legal ops)